Advanced 3D Machining
Duration: 1 day
Location: Morningstar or On-Site
Cost: $2,000 for up to 4 Attendees
Provided: Training Materials, Laptop Computers and Projector
This course is designed to teach you how to use Advanced 3D Machining to create, modify and machine solid models and surface models using a number of different techniques.
Prerequisites: Geometry Creation, Production Milling, Advanced CS, 2.5D Solids
Topics Include:
- Bodies
- Body Bag
- Solids Context Menus
- Surface Modeling
- Solid Modeling
- Surface Machining Processes
- Lace Cut
- 2 Curve Flow
- Surface Flow Cut
- Intersection
- Advanced 3D Machining Processes
- Surfaces Tab
- Mill Feature Tab
- Options Tab
- Entry/Exit Tab
- Boundary Tab